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Online Sportbook | Jerome Champagne | Senibet

Sepp Blatter’s former adviser Jerome Champagne says he intends to run for the Fifa presidency.

Champagne tried to run against Blatter at the last election in May, but failed to gain enough support to be nominated.

The suspensions of Blatter and Uefa president Michel Platini pending an inquiry into a £1.35m payment have persuaded Champagne to have another go.

He has pledged to publish the salaries and benefits of executives at world football’s governing body.

Champagne said: “At a time when Fifa needs more than ever an open debate about its future, its reform and the reform of football, we are witnessing the first months of the electoral campaign being dominated by controversy and deals made behind closed doors.”

His announcement comes before Monday’s deadline for the February 26 vote.

Champagne joins Platini, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein, former Trinidad and Tobago player David Nakhid and Asian Football Confederation president Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa in standing.